Chat with a document of up to 20 pages : Marketing ChatGPT Prompt

Prompt: Chat with a document of up to 20 pages


  1. Exploring the Prompt’s Meaning
  2. The Case of Use
  3. Benefits for Users
  4. Encouraging Appropriate Prompt Usage

1. Exploring the Prompt’s Meaning

The term ‘Prompt: Chat with a document of up to 20 pages’ encapsulates a digital system where users can engage in a conversation with lengthy documents. In this context, a ‘prompt’ refers to a user’s input into an AI system, instructing it on how to process and interpret the content of a document. Therefore, the title suggests a platform where the AI can read, digest, and interact with extensive written information, providing an opportunity for users to ask questions and receive immediate, contextually relevant answers.

2. The Case of Use

Imagine a scenario where a legal professional is faced with a 20-page contract and seeks specific details about the termination clauses. Utilizing the ‘chat with a document’ feature on, they can quickly ask the AI to pinpoint and explain the relevant sections without manually scouring the text. This case extends to various fields, where individuals interact with large reports, researches, manuals, and more, needing to extract particular information promptly.

3. Benefits for Users

The benefits of this AI-powered feature are manifold. Not only does it save valuable time for users who would otherwise peruse lengthy documents, but it also increases efficiency by reducing the cognitive load involved in processing dense information. Users can expect:

  • Speed – Immediate responses from the AI.
  • Convenience – Access specific information without reading through the entire document.
  • Accuracy – AI’s ability to interpret and provide precise information.
  • Interactivity – Engage with the document in a conversational manner.

4. Encouraging Appropriate Prompt Usage

Maximizing the potential of ‘chat with a document’ requires using the appropriate prompts. Users are encouraged to pose clear and specific questions to the AI for the best results. For instance, rather than asking, “What is this document about?” a more effective prompt would be, “Summarize the key objectives outlined in this document.” The accuracy of the AI’s response is directly influenced by the clarity of the user’s request.

To experience the power of this innovative feature, users should head over to By capitalizing on precise questioning and the AI’s intuitive understanding, any individual can transform the way they interact with extensive text, revolutionizing information consumption and decision-making in countless domains.