Find out how to use the Artificial Intelligence prompt to create articles with your own style: tips for copyrighters

Find out how to use the AI prompt to create articles with your own style: tips for copyrighters


  1. Introduction: The artificial intelligence revolution in copywriting techniques
  2. Understanding the prompts
  3. How to choose the right writing style
  4. The balance between quantity and quality of paragraphs
  5. Conclusions

1. Introduction: The artificial intelligence revolution in copywriting techniques

With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), the world of copywriting has seen the birth of a new era full of infinite possibilities. A fundamental aspect of this technological revolution is the use of 'prompts', a powerful tool that allows you to generate high-quality content on any theme and in any style.

This specific prompt, “Work like an expert copyrighter. Given an article title ::Theme:: write with style ::Style:: four sections. One for introduction and three for development. Then write conclusions. The article must be at least 15 paragraphs long,” can be used by a wide range of professionals. Copyrighters, bloggers, content creators, students, marketers – anyone who needs to create quality content can make the most of it.

The benefits of using this prompt in content creation are numerous, ranging from the ability to produce high-quality articles in-house without the need for third parties, to the flexibility to create content in any desired style, allowing for extensive customization of the final text.

If you're looking for a way to improve your copywriting skills, or simply be more productive in your content creation work, strategic use of AI prompts can be a winning solution . Read on to discover the 5 key steps to effectively use AI prompts in content creation.

2. Understanding the prompts

Let's start by saying that Artificial Intelligence prompts are not simple suggestions without logic as the term 'prompt' might suggest. They are much more than this: they represent precise instructions that Artificial Intelligence uses to generate content. This first step is essential: thoroughly understanding the prompt allows you not only to correctly set up the AI's work, but to effectively guide it in the writing process.

Don't be intimidated by these seemingly complex concepts. Think of the prompt as an elaborate 'If…, then…' of programming. The 'if' corresponds to the theme you want to develop, the 'then' represents the style you decide to use. Understanding how prompts work is an important step in making the most of the potential of AI in copywriting.

The key tip here is to play around with the prompts, experiment, and try different combinations of themes and styles until you get exactly the type of content you want. Be creative and don't be afraid to experiment.

3. How to choose the right writing style

Ah, the writing style! What makes us unique as authors, what gives voice to our personality, what can transform an anonymous piece of text into an engaging and unforgettable work. And, fortunately, this does not change even when the author is an Artificial Intelligence.

Writing style is mentioned in the prompt for a reason. It's a critical aspect of giving your article a voice that resonates with your target audience. Choosing the right writing style is therefore essential to successfully interact with your readers.

But how to choose the right style? Again, the answer is simple: experiment. Remember, the beauty of AI copywriting is that you can always try again until you reach perfection.

4. The balance between quantity and quality of paragraphs

A good article is not judged only by the number of paragraphs. Quantity must never overwhelm quality. An article can have numerous paragraphs, but if the content is not relevant or interesting, it is boring and unengaging. Therefore, the secret lies in the balance between quantity and quality .

Like a well-coached football team, each paragraph should play its part in leading to “victory,” that is, complete understanding of your article. Each paragraph is like a player , if it doesn't contribute to the final victory, there's no point in having a large team!

5. Conclusions

Artificial intelligence has brought a breath of innovation to the copywriting landscape, radically transforming the way we create content. The strategic use of AI prompts allows you to produce high-quality articles, in different and personalized styles, enhancing the effectiveness and productivity of the creative process. The key to making the most of these opportunities lies in experimenting, varying themes and styles, without fear of exploring new approaches. Despite the potential offered by technology, the importance of the balance between quantity and quality of paragraphs remains: at the heart of every great article there must always be relevant and engaging content. The AI revolution therefore does not distance us from the essential core of copywriting, on the contrary, it allows us to return to it with new tools and renewed versatility.