Create a Strategic Analysis like Michael Porter : Marketing ChatGPT Prompt

Prompt: Create a Strategic Analysis like Michael Porter


  1. Understanding the Prompt Meaning
  2. The Case of Use
  3. The Benefits for Users
  4. Encouraging the Use of Appropriate Prompts on

1. Understanding the Prompt Meaning

In today’s fast-paced business world, strategic analysis is a cornerstone for the success and longevity of any enterprise. As the name suggests, “Create a Strategic Analysis like Michael Porter” signifies a directive to generate a comprehensive business strategy report influenced by the principles and frameworks developed by the esteemed Harvard professor, Michael Porter – known for his theories on economics, business strategy, and competitive advantage.

2. The Case of Use

This particular prompt is incredibly useful for business analysts, corporate strategists, and management students who are looking to apply Porter’s frameworks, such as the Five Forces Analysis, the Value Chain Analysis, and the Three Generic Strategies. Entering this prompt on an AI platform like is tantamount to seeking expert strategic guidance through a digital lens, where the user is directed to analyze the competitive environment, internal capabilities, and potential strategies for a firm or industry.

3. The Benefits for Users

By using the prompt “Create a Strategic Analysis like Michael Porter,” users can extract several benefits:

  • Time Efficiency: Speeds up the process of complex analysis, which would typically take longer if conducted manually.
  • Expert Insights: Leverages the distilled wisdom of Michael Porter’s renowned strategy concepts without needing deep expertise in his methodologies.
  • Competitive Advantage: Helps businesses gain a competitive edge by identifying potential threats and opportunities within the market.
  • Decision Support: Offers data-driven insights to support strategic business decisions and planning.
  • Education and Learning: Provides a learning scaffold for students and professionals who wish to master strategic business analysis.

4. Encouraging the Use of Appropriate Prompts on

To make the most of this digital era’s artificial intelligence tools, it is crucial to use prompts effectively. The site stands as a testament to how AI can be harnessed to provide immediate and accurate results. By skillfully crafting prompts like “Create a Strategic Analysis like Michael Porter,” users are empowered to generate reports that might otherwise require extensive experience or large teams of analysts. This kind of AI-assisted prompt is not just about getting results; it’s about democratizing access to high-level strategic thought and enabling a more strategic approach to business for everyone.

As more businesses and individuals start to recognize the value of AI-assisted strategic analysis, the utilization of platforms like PromptMakers becomes a crucial element in their arsenal. Whether you’re looking to refine your business approach, outmaneuver competitors, or simply enhance your understanding of strategy, using the right prompts on can be a game-changer. Start weaving the art of strategic analysis with a snippet of AI magic, and turn data into a portal of insights that could lead your business to new heights of success.