
Prompt AI: Digital Assistant to Create Sales Funnels

Prompt AI: Digital Assistant to Create Sales Funnels Summary Introduction to the Use of AI Prompts in Marketing How an AI Prompt Works in Marketing Benefits of Using AI Prompts in Marketing Conclusion 1. Introduction to the Use of AI Prompts in Marketing It's no secret that artificial intelligence is changing the world of digital […]

Prompt AI: Digital Assistant to Create Sales Funnels Read More »

Use of Prompt AI to define the type of customer and identify potential criticisms of the purchase of a product or service

Use of Prompt AI to define the type of customer and identify potential criticisms of the purchase of a product or service Summary What Prompt AI is and how it works How to define the type of customer with the AI Prompt How to identify possible criticisms using Prompt AI The benefits of using AI

Use of Prompt AI to define the type of customer and identify potential criticisms of the purchase of a product or service Read More »